TECAR therapy
The term TECAR is an acronym for Capacitive and Resistive Energy Transfer. The use of TECAR technology is of major importance in rehabilitation therapies since it reduces pain, stimulates venous drainage in the lymphatic system, significantly reduces both muscular and back pain. In general, TECAR is used to treat disorders such as sprains, tendonitis, bursitis, osteoarticular distractions, chronic arthralgias, contractures, strains and muscular tears, myositis, pathologies of joint capsules, arthritic processes, lumbago and sciatica. Therapy is widely useful for treating all types of sports injuries. The TECAR method represents a technological innovation in the field of energy transfer in the diseased parts of the organism. From the other treatments that use the electromagnetic waves (ex. the ultrasound and the laser) the TECAR method is differentiated by the typology of the transmission of energy. In fact, TECAR therapy is not based on the induction of heat "from the outside", but rather on the stimulation of ionic charges naturally present in our muscular tissues through the application of particular electrodes. This involves a process of intensive stimulation of the tissues at the cellular level, which activate the blood circulation inducing an increase in temperature that accelerates a natural physiological reaction. TECAR therefore does not make use of the electric transmission from the outside, but involves the exchange of the electrolytes already present in the organism at the cellular level, with the aim of reactivating the circulation. Therefore, the process induces an increase in temperature in tissues that triggers the natural reaction of the organism, which is essential for the restoration of a considerable number of muscle and joint damage. This happens thanks to the combination of two mechanisms: increase of temperature in the deeper tissues and increase of the energy potential of cell membranes.
Thanks to the thermal effects (heating of the tissue), therapeutic therapy is often combined with manual therapy or passive stretching, where, due to local hyperthermia, a wider range of movement and faster muscle relaxation are obtained, while isometric muscle contraction stimulates the influence on the activation of individual muscle fibers. The TECAR therapy is a very pleasant treatment, since it involves an optimal feeling of heat, and which one can undergo with absolute tranquility since it does not cause collateral effects.
However, treatment is considered contraindicated for women during pregnancy, for individuals with pacemakers, as well as for neoplastic patients and for patients with a disturbed temperature detection.
- reduces pain
- improves superficial and deep blood circulation
- improves tissue regeneration
- stimulates venous and lymphatic drainage
- affects the restoration of metabolic balance activity
- various muscular pathologies (contracture, muscle tears, bruises and swelling)
- injuries, osteoarticular distractions and wear of the joints (shoulder, hip, knee, ankle joints)
- pathology of the elbow, wrist and arm (epicondylitis, tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome)
- cervical, thoracic and lumbar pathology
- inflammation and damage to the Achilles tendon, and patellar ligament
- tendonitis and calcination in the area of the shoulder joint
- acute and chronic edema