Physiotherapy Bisturmed Koper

GPS Coordinates: N 45° 31' 53.61'' E 13° 44' 8.311''
The studio is situated on the first floor of the building at the adress: Šmarska cesta 5b, 6000 Koper.

How to find us
Coming from H5 to Koper-Capodistria choose exit towards ''Pula – Poreč – Smarje''. Passing the traffic light intersection continue till the first roundabout (on the right is located shopping center Mercator), and choose the exit n.4 in order to make U-turn on the same road.

After 150 meters from the roundabout choose on the second exit on the right (corner of the Opel Car Shop), and enter in the parking.



Dates of the orthopaedic clinic: (4p.m. – 8p.m.)

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