Bisturmed offers various techniques of classical physiotherapy, combined with the latest professional doctrines and with the application of innovative approaches. Our team of highly specialized physiotherapists performs the following therapies:
- individual manual therapy (CYRIAX, McKENZIE)
- physiotherapy after surgery, post-traumatic and chronic orthopedic pathologies
- TECAR® therapy, HIL LASER®, SIS therapy® and shock waves therapy (ESWT®), BIOPTRON® light therapy
- global posture therapy (R.P.G) according to the SOUCHARD method
- fascial manipulation according to STECCO and myofascial therapy (TRIGGER points)
- therapeutic exercises for the stabilization of the scapula, spine and pelvis
- therapeutic exercises for scapular dyskinesis
- manual lymphatic drainage
- muscle stimulation - Compex®
- therapy with Flossband and Blackroll Twister, Krioterapia and Kinesiotaping
- dry needling
We also perform:
- postural analysis with videosystem GPS 600®
- we analyze the footprint through the pedoscope and suggest for foot insoles
- spine analysis using the Spinal Mouse® system
- the innovative MoBee Med® system for measuring joint mobility
Physiotherapy hours:
Monday - Friday: 15:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 12:00
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